Tuesday, September 01, 2009

September September

I went for a run this morning and saw a bunch of kids waiting for the school bus at the corner. I didn't realize all those American kids lived in my neighborhood, although I do know one from my Wednesday night dinners.
Anyway, it made me a little bit sad, that they're going to school and I'm not...but also a little bit happy that at 7:30 a.m., I'm just starting a morning run and not driving to work. That would make for some very early morning runs!

So... it's September and I have a few goals for the month:
1. RUN. I've been a slacker lately and I want/need to stop being lazy and start living up to my reputation as a crazy runner girl. I think I'll aim for 18 runs this month...which will far exceed my August running, but still give me some leeway. I know there is a running group in a neighboring town, I found their meeting place once but didn't see any runners there.

2. Read. I just picked up a package from the post office today and so I've now been reunited with 3 books I bought but didn't read in the states. If I can finish reading 3 books (not necessarily those 3) in September, I'll be happy with myself.

3. Knit. After a bit of a drought, I've been back to knitting. I think I had one project that just didn't hold my interest, so rather than work on it I found other things to do...now that project is finished and I'm ready for more! Maybe finish 3 projects in September?? They don't have to be big!

4. Cook/Bake. Since I've come back from the states, there have been fewer cook-outs around here, and I've not really been inviting people over for dinner. So, I haven't been doing much cooking or baking. Although I did make some new and delicious cookies. In September, I think I should follow SIX NEW recipes.

5. Get a job. :) David should be able to send me the magical paper that will allow me to work "in a few days"(I've been hearing that for a few weeks...but as I discovered last fall/winter, waiting for magical papers is pretty much status quo). Then I can get my name on the sub list. My friend told me that there aren't always openings for subs at the elementary school, but that the other day the high school had a sign on the door saying "WE NEED SUBS!" Need to think about this... high schoolers are big and scary and probably don't give their teachers hugs and tell them "I love you". On the other hand, they also don't (probably) tattle on each other for eating boogers or pee their pants during recess because they just didn't want to stop playing.

On second thought... I might just be soooo busy with my first 4 goals that I should push #5 to October.

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