Karen called us when she was done with class and we decided to meet up at "Wharf 5" at Circular Quay. This was right where the train let off for Karen and a block or two from our hotel, so it was super easy for all. Much easier than meeting at the restaurant, because at this point, we still had no idea where we were going to eat.
Karen had asked around, but hadn't come up with much. We ended up going to the restaurant that David's cab driver had recommended--Italian Village. It was a short walk from Wharf 5, and we got a table right away. It was nice visiting with Karen and with her housemate, Annie. Annie is 17 and from China. She's studying all 4 years in Sydney. She's really sweet, and obviously adores Karen.
David and I ordered Lord Nelson's Brewery "Three Sheets". I'd been wanting to go to Lord Nelson's because I read that it is (one of several pubs that claims to be) Sydney's oldest. So just in case we didn't manage to make it there, I figured I'd better drink some Lord Nelson's beer while I had the chance. It was really good! We shared appetizers and finally they brought our dinner. I had chicken & spinach risotto which I thought was really good, except the thing I don't really understand about "fancy" restaurants is why do they always bring a tiny glob of food out on a super-huge dish? David had seafood risotto and Karen got steak. Annie ordered whatever Karen was having. The food was good, but not $256 good. We figured we were paying the rent for Italian Village, as we ate our meal with a lovely view of the Opera House. I wonder if it costs less if you eat inside.
Anyway, it was a nice visit. Karen told us about her intense program of study and about living in a homestay. She said she's so busy she hardly goes out. She'd only been out 4 or 5 times since she'd been there... for a month! David and I were like...uh, no. WE never go out. We've gone out about 4 or 5 times since we've been HERE...for over 3 years!
After dinner, we took some pictures near the Opera House, which really does look pretty at night, just not in our pictures!

Then we walked around and chatted a little bit more, decided that we really should have gone to eat at Zia Pina's and recommended that they do if they're ever in the area and hungry. Then it was time to end the family reunion, because Annie had class the next morning and because it was past 10pm and David and I never stay out past 10 pm, and usually we don't even stay up past 10pm!
1 comment:
Great that you two got together with Karen. Always weird and fun to get together with family in such distant points. Your Aunt and I enjoyed our mini-reunion with David in Bangkok and then with you in Okinawa earlier this year!
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