We were too early to check in, so we decided to get some food. Chinese food, of course!

So here's a tip for anyone who is going to go to Australia. You actually need a Tourist Visa to go there. Now I've been a lot of places. And David's been a lot of places. Between us, we've been to at least 20 countries...and neither of us have ever needed a Tourist Visa. So imagine our surprise when the lady at the check-in counter told us we needed them to go to Australia. Like that's something everybody knows. You'd think a little pop-up window would come up when you're ordering your tickets or something. Anyway, for just about double the price, you can apply for an instant "e-Visa" right there at the ticket counter. How convenient.
Soon after, we were on our way to our gate for the 10 hour flight to Sydney. We got pretty lucky on all of our flights...we never got stuck in the middle set of 4 or 5 seats. On the way to Sydney, we were in a set of 2 seats, David had the window and I had the aisle. During take-off, I sat with my face in the barf bag. I just managed to make it until the seatbelt sign went off so I could rush to the "lavatory" and puke with dignity, rather than having the Chinese people across the aisle staring at me while I did it. After that, I was fine, except my teeth felt gross. We both went to sleep. Unfortunately, I slept right through the hot chocolate. We arrived in Sydney in the morning, and saw the Opera House on the way in! We didn't leave the airport at all though, because we had another plane to catch to Gold Coast. Have to go south to go north too, I guess.
Did you get to leave the airport at all in China? Also it looks really modern, is it the one in Shanghai?
Oh man.. barfing is the worst.. having to barf in public is just awful. Whatever that "soup" stuff was.. boy does it look yummy. Welcome home!!!
Looks like you guys are having a great time :) Hey i found a great travel site - baraaza.com
Well said.
Just stopping by from Sits...I had no idea you needed a Travel Visa for Australia. Crazy! I loved your idea of a little pop-up screen coming on saying that you need one. Those pop-ups come up all the time, they should use them for good!
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