Sunday, March 02, 2008

A week ago today...

I was doing this:

There are 6 pictures of me before, during, and after the marathon. There are 15 pictures of strangers in costume during the marathon. David is entertained by the darnedest things. These 2 pictures were taken close to the 20 mile mark. One is right by the sign which I believe marks the 30km point. See the yellow line on the ground? Only 12k...a little over 6.2 miles... to go!

So that was a week ago today. Today I filled in a calendar with all the runs I'll need to do to train for my next marathon. Like childbirth, I tell you! The minute my muscles were un-sore (Monday) and I was sure the pain in my left foot wasn't being caused by some stress fracture(Wednesday), I forgot all about the misery I had experienced just a few short days ago.

Misery loves company, you know? That's why I've recruited David to run the next marathon with me. Well, maybe not with me, but at the same time as me. He expressed quite a bit of interest (in fact, it was his idea) but I know that what sealed the deal is when I told him that he could go golfing on cross-training day. We can't register until April, but we're planning to do the Gold Coast Marathon on July AUSTRALIA! Let's all keep our fingers crossed that the USAF doesn't ruin our travel plans...again.

So a week ago tomorrow, I took the day off to recover from the marathon. Tomorrow, I start training for the next one! I think I've lost my marbles... maybe I'll find them scattered along the road during one of my long runs!


Dogeared said...

I finally stopped by again to check your Blog (I used to check fairly regularly, but I think it was during a period of you not updating much, so I stopped [doh]), and meant to comment yesterday on your marathon run - well done! It's an awesome achievement, and I admire you, because I know it's not for me.

You know, if you want to get sponsorship (there are various sites like, which have certain charities already listed, like cancer ones), then I'd sponsor you.

Again - well done, and if I understood rightly (I got a bit confused, reading back) - you're either engaged or married now? Congratulations!

Helen (12 of 12er)

Anonymous said...

i think you lost your marbles too! you ARE robobecca!!

krista :)

E said...

You haven't lost your marbles. You are just a very dedicated marathoner. :)

Lee Weber said...

hey girl! Well done. I totally admire your athletic ability and drive! Keep goin' for us lazy bones out here.

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