I made the Petal Bib from One Skein the other day for my teacher's aide and his wife who are expecting in May.
As soon as I'm done with the loose ends of the daisy hat, I'm going to start on the Little Sister's Dress for my cousin's brand new little baby. She was born on Monday the 5th, another Capricorn in the family!
Despite what one might think, all this cute little baby knitting does not give me the "itch" to have a baby of my own. I am not so easily fooled. Baby clothes are cute...babies cry when you're sleeping and don't come potty trained. But it does make me want to provide for the babies that I already have:
Our poor babies haven't seen us in a long time and probably feel like we completely abandoned them (actually, they are probably thrilled that we abandoned them, since my mom spoils them rotten!) and what better way to earn their love than by showering them with attention and presents when we DO see them? I was doing my morning internet surf and came across this contest to win some cute little cat toys at The Funky Monkey. I managed 6 entries...so I hope I get lucky for Morgan & Moby! Mostly Moby, as Morgan isn't really as playful. There is a fun-looking spider toy with ribbon legs, although playing with ribbon might make Moby think it's okay to play with the ribbon in my mom's stamping room (I have a feeling he thinks it's okay to play with ANYTHING he wants anyway). There's also a kitty cell phone...which is just what Moby needs. Wish me luck!
I made petal bibs! They are in my gift drawer. I have a specific SIL in mind for them... so hopefully some day she will get them for a niece of mine or if not, I will gift them to a good friend who is engaged. See.. long term planning. I really just needed some mindless knitting one horrible school year and they were cute and easy. Ok, I'm rambling!
Your babies are cute ^_^
I miss mine so much. I hope you win the cat toys!
yep, that's us looking out the window, hoping to see you and David coming down the steet,soon. You can't see her in the picture, but Mom is looking out the other window. she keeps reminding us that you will be here soon. we keep wanting to tear the wrapping off the presents awaiting you here.
Wait till you see our new cat beds. We love being spoiled and at the same time miss you alot. we can't wait to play with your yarn! Dress warm because it is cold here. LOVE you, Moby, Morgan and MOM
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